Autumn McCall

Autumn McCall

Advisor | DRE #01346193
19671 Beach Blvd. Suite 100
Huntington Beach, CA 92648
Motivated and passionate about connecting homeowners to the right property, Barbara and Autumn McCall are the ideal real estate team. Whether it’s working with a first-time home buyer or a long-time client, Barbara and Autumn go above and beyond to make the process an easy and personal experience. They understand the homebuying and selling process can be time-consuming and often times stressful so they manage every detail from start to finish to ensure their clients always feel cared for and secure.

For Barbara and Autumn, it’s all about the personal relationships. “Real estate is such an emotional and personal transaction for many. There are memories that need to be treated delicately and just putting a sign in the ground and passing you to an assistant is unacceptable!” says the pair. Barbara and Autumn have been successful over the years because of their personal approach. To them selling homes is more about the quality of the transaction versus the quantity.

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