Fred Hinojos

Fred Hinojos

Advisor Gri Crs | DRE #00463041
505 S Villa Real Dr. Suite 105
Anaheim Hills, CA 92807
As a leader, advisor, business partner and mentor, Fred Hinojos has 40 years of real estate experience. He has worked in both sales and management and owned his own brokerage. By virtue of mentorship from industry greats, such as Zig Ziglar, Tommy Hopkins, Brian Tracey, Stephen Covey, Mike Ferry and Jim Rohn, Fred developed a keen business acumen. He has participated in thousands of real estate transactions and developed a reputation for helping clients reach their goals. Fred believes, “experience is the toughest teacher, for it offers the test first, and the lesson after”. Much of Fred’s success has been the result of clients referring them to their family, friends or business associates. Getting referred makes him feel as if they have had a profound impact on others live, hopes and dreams.

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