Hector Alvizures

Hector Alvizures

Advisor | DRE #01350589
12651 Newport Avenue
Tustin, CA 92780
When clients and colleagues meet Hector Alvizures for the first time they can’t help but be drawn to his infectious enthusiasm and good natured manner. Being aligned with a company like Seven Gables Real Estate factors into his own business practices namely because the company’s core values so closely resemble those that unite his personal and professional lives. Committed to maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle Hector is also a licensed Notary and fluent in Spanish. In addition, he earned a degree in Accounting from Mateo Perrone College in Guatemala in 1990. Hector and his wife Laura, who is also a Realtor®, are the proud parents of a daughter and a son, both of whom are now in college.

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