Marcia Kaufman

Marcia Kaufman

Advisor | DRE #00553210
16875 Algonquin St.
Huntington Beach, CA 92649
Raised in the San Fernando Valley, I married my high school sweetheart. When we were 24, we were contestants on a game show and won enough money to put 10% down on our first home! Bitten by the real estate bug after selling that home, I realized I not only loved houses but I loved the idea of using my art background to help people sell homes. My eye for interior design has been useful in helping buyers visualize the potential of a new home. Four years ago Craig Poturalski and I started working together as a team and it has been a great partnership. When you work with us, you get two award-winning realtors working together for one common goal – exceeding your expectations. With over 40 years of combined real estate experience, we bring boundless energy, creative ideas and hard work to every transaction.

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