Sarah Aase

Sarah Aase

Advisor | DRE #02048387
12651 Newport Avenue
Tustin, CA 92780
Meet Sarah Aase. A go-giver personality who loves building and maintaining relationships, that’s why she’s in the business of buying and selling homes. She’ll go the extra mile for her clients and happens to be pretty good at multi-tasking, a key to success in real estate. She values loyalty, dedication and integrity and loves working with people and navigating them through the process of buying or selling their home with ease and care, which is what makes having real estate as her career a perfect fit. Sarah and her husband have three kids who keep them busy with sports and school activities. She is a member of the Orange Park Acres Women’s League and is a Room Mom for her daughter’s school at Linda Vista Elementary. She’s also the team mom for her daughter’s softball and soccer team. Sarah is Southern California born and raised, Orange to be more specific, and she still lives in Orange after graduating Cal State Fullerton College and earning her Bachelors Degree in Public Relations. With strong work ethic and an eager drive to do the best for her clients, Sarah is a great addition to the Seven Gables family.

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